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Meathead Movers is now offering 0-36% payment options for qualifying customers.

Meathead Movers is now offering 0-36% payment options for qualifying customers.

LA Weekly: Moving Company Will Help You Leave An Abusive Partner For Free

September 04, 2015

LA Weekly: Moving Company Will Help You Leave An Abusive Partner For Free

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Abusive relationships often involve deep psychological ties and habitual living that’s hard to escape. But one of the other key hurdles to leaving an abusive partner is the real, physical work of packing up and getting out.

A California moving company says it will help you do that. For free.

Central Coast–based Meathead Movers, a company founded in 1997 by athletes, this week said it has partnered with domestic violence-prevention nonprofit Good Shepherd to help move people out of such situations.

“Meathead Movers will work directly with the nonprofit to identify the abusive situations and provide moving services at no cost,” a spokeswoman says. “Not only do these services help the victims of domestic abuse but they directly impact Meathead employees — consisting of predominantly young men who believe that real men don’t hit women, real men help those in need.”

The company, which has a sales and marketing office in L.A., says it will donate services to be doled out by Good Shepherd on a monthly basis. Those who think they might qualify will have to work through the nonprofit.

“We know how hard it is to pack up someone’s life and move it to a new location — but it’s unimaginable to think about a woman and her children trying to pack up all their belongings and flee before the abuser returns home,” said Aaron Steed, president and CEO of Meathead. “When we realized we had the resources to help provide a fresh start for these victims, we knew Good Shepherd was the perfect organization to connect us with those who need our services most.”


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