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Meathead Movers is now offering 0-36% payment options for qualifying customers.

Meathead Movers is now offering 0-36% payment options for qualifying customers.

Cal Coast News: Meathead Movers Collecting for Haitian Relief

January 18, 2010

Meathead Movers collecting for Haitian relief
January 18, 2010 3:49 pm

The staff at Meathead Movers are packaging and sending relief supplies to Kansas City for Heart to Heart International to send on to Haitian earthquake victims. They are asking the community to donate “care kits,” on Jan. 20 between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. at Meathead Movers corporate headquarters at 144 Hind Lane, suite 140, in San Luis Obispo.
“This is a way that you know the items you are donating are going into the hands of the Haitians,” said Aaron Steed, President of Meathead Movers.
“It feels good to facilitate the generous giving of the people of our community and that the community trusts us to deliver goods to the Haitian people.”
Care kits, as requested by Heart to Heart International, include (all items are required to be brand new):
• One hand towel and one wash cloth
• One comb
• One bottle of travel size shampoo
• One bar of soap and one small soap container
• One individually wrapped toothbrush
• One tube of travel size toothpaste
• Ten adhesive bandages
• Two one-gallon size zipper-zeal plastic bags
“Thank you to all of those who are helping us to create awareness about how we, as a community, can help the victims of the devastating earthquake in Haiti,” Steed said. “Meathead Movers has received, packaged, and delivered over 200,000 pounds of donated goods during previous disasters.”
Meathead Movers are also looking for volunteers the day of the event, if you are interested, please email or call Angela at  or (805) 544-6328.

Visit CalCoastNews community event calendar for more details.

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