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The Tribune: Volunteers Prepare Fixings for the Feast

November 24, 2011

Volunteers prepare fixings for the feast

Effort helps 50 families

The Tribune
By Cynthia Lambert
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Volunteers filled boxes for 50 families with everything they’ll need for a Thanksgiving feast for 15 to 20 people: a 20-pound turkey, stuffing mix, potatoes, yams, dinner rolls, marshmallows, apple pies and fruit.

Bernadette Delmore, the owner of Del’s Pizzeria in Shell Beach, coordinated the effort to bring in donations from local merchants, vendors, customers and family. About 15 volunteers met at the restaurant Tuesday to fill the boxes, and San Luis Obispo-based Meathead Movers offered to drive them to Oceano.

The families selected to receive the food — all of whom have students at Oceano Elementary School — picked them up Tuesday afternoon.

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