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The Acorn: ‘Meatheads’ to Raise Funds for Foster Youth

December 16, 2010

‘Meatheads’ to raise funds for foster youth

2010-12-16 / Community
Meathead Movers is raising funds for Ventura County’s female foster youth. In conjunction with the United Women’s Leadership Council and United Way of Ventura County, three “meatheads” will sing Christmas Carols to friends, relatives or colleagues at any location in Ventura County between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays.

The cost for three songs is $100 and all proceeds go toward closing the gaps in transitional services for emancipating female foster youth.

To schedule a caroling session, e-mail Amy Fonzo at or call (805) 485-6288, ext. 230.

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