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Meathead Movers is now offering 0-36% payment options for qualifying customers.

Meathead Movers is now offering 0-36% payment options for qualifying customers.

The Tribune: How Meathead Movers Went from Charging $20 and a Pizza to a Multimillion-Dollar Business

July 31, 2017

Aaron Steed, who grew up in San Luis Obispo, founded Meathead Movers in 1997 with his brother Evan to earn money while they attended San Luis Obispo High School. Aaron was a junior, Evan a freshman.

Customers would rent the vans, pick up the movers and they’d provide the labor. Their fees then? $20 and a pizza or whatever customers thought they were worth. Those happy customers spread the word … and soon the brothers had recruited 30 to 50 friends to help.  Read the entire article here.

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