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Meathead Movers is now offering 0-36% payment options for qualifying customers.

Meathead Movers is now offering 0-36% payment options for qualifying customers.

SLO Marathon: Meathead Movers Returns as Sponsor of the San Luis Obispo Marathon, Half Marathon + 5K

January 23, 2013

Article by “Heather Hellman” Event Director

The athlete movers of Meathead Movers, who jog when they’re not handling your household or office items, will help support race day logistics for the Second Annual San Luis Obispo Marathon, Half Marathon + 5K races. Meathead Mover trucks and athletes will haul thousands of pounds of products that will be distributed along the 26.2 mile marathon course, the 13.1 Half Marathon course and to the SLO Life Expo grounds for the 5K and Kid’s races, as well as the Expo.

“Meathead Movers and their athletes will be invaluable to our logistic efforts,” says Heather Hellman, Event Director. “Their employees are fit, reliable and know how to get things moved quickly. We have so much product and materials that have to be moved great distances, so we are very happy to have them on our team.”

Founded by brothers Aaron and Evan Steed while they were athletes in high school, Meathead Movers has grown to two locations, opened new headquarters that includes Meathead storage and Meathead Packers and recently won accolades from the White House for young entrepreneurship.


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