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Meathead Movers is now offering 0-36% payment options for qualifying customers.

Meathead Movers is now offering 0-36% payment options for qualifying customers.

KSBY: Meathead Movers Takes Off for San Diego County, Six Vans Full of Supplies for Shelters

October 25, 2007

Reported by: Stacy Daniel

It’s a move in the right direction.  The Central Coast rallies behind residents who have been displaced by the fires in Southern California.

And they are doing it with the help of a local moving company, Meathead Movers.

People dropped off donations all day on Thursday for the evacuees in Southern California. Former customers and complete strangers lined up to drop off donations for the thousands of evacuees in Southern California.

“This morning I brought pillows and pillow cases, and dog food and dog bowls. This afternoon I’m going to bring the water, the hand cleaners, the masks, and other things that are on the list that they need,” said donor Cheryl Chapman.

More than 25 employees with Meathead Movers put their skills to work loading six moving vans with everyday necessities like baby diapers, pet food and water.

As soon as the trucks are loaded these items will be transported to various shelters in San Diego County.

“The items that people are buying today at the store are going directly to the evacuation centers that need those specific items,” explained Meathead Movers CEO Aaron Steed.

“When something like that happens, you lose everything and you’re starting over, it’s hard to imagine what they’re going through,” said donor Mindy Newton. That’s why Mindy Newton and countless others drove here to make a donation. “If I was in the same boat, I would want someone to help me out. It’s the least I could do.”

So many donations have come in, another truck must be added to the fleet that is heading south.

“It’s really neat. You get to really see, I think, the best in people sometimes in the most unfortunate circumstances,” said Steed.

If you couldn’t make it down there to donate, the Red Cross and Salvation Army are always accepting donations for disaster victims.

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