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Meathead Movers is now offering 0-36% payment options for qualifying customers.

Meathead Movers is now offering 0-36% payment options for qualifying customers.

Santa Maria Times: Helping Clothe Children in Need

September 01, 2012

By Jennifer Best/Contributing Writer, Santa Maria Times

A venture that provides thousands of Central Coast students with clothes, backpacks and school supplies every year was sparked by a simple effort to help one family.

“Families in need are kind of invisible. They don’t want to talk about it. They’re ashamed. But there are lots of them out there,” said Lisa Ray, founder of Children’s Resource Network of the Central Coast.

Three years ago, Ray stepped in when she heard about a local family that couldn’t afford clothes, backpacks or other school supplies.

Read more about how Lisa Ray’s Donation Group has morphed into a fully functioning nonprofit organization that has provided clothing and school supplies to more than 5,000 children from Lompoc to the Carrizo Plain at:

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